Thursday, March 11, 2010


Dry Rigatoni was the very first thing I put in the sensory tub. Eiz absolutely loved it. When it was time to put it away, she had a massive melt down. I had never seen anything like it before. All over a tub of noodles :)

She enjoyed scooping them into the cup. She would pretend that she was drinking them. Every now and then I had to tell her to get them out of her mouth, but all in all she did pretty well.

Letter B

Eiz still needs a lot of help working on her letter art. I actually havent taken any pictures of her working on them because she needs my help. I will try harder to take some this week.

Bumble Bee.
She liked putting the yellow pieces of paper on the glue dots.

Brown Bear. Didnt she do a great job painting! ;)

Letter A

I printed off the letter A. I wasnt sure how Eiz would like the project, so I didnt try to hard. I gave her the red crayon and man she went to town. This was the most she had ever colored on one page. I added the stem and a couple of leaves and we called it an Apple. :)

I was really excited about making the Alligator. I had seen on several blogs where you paint bubble wrap and then lay a piece of paper on top. It creates small circles and on our alligator it was his skin. Eiz was very proud of this and wanted to show Daddy. She calls it an "Allig."

Alphabet Book

To help Eiz learn the alphabet, we have been working on a letter each morning. Today we finished the letter E. The projects are really cute and easy. Eiz loves coloring, painting, gluing, sprinkling glitter, you name it. For each letter she decorates the actual letter, but we also decorate an object that begins with the letter. I will post the letters that we have finished.
At the end of the day, when the letters are dry, I put them in page protectors. All the pages go in a three ring binder where Eiz can flip through them. I love having crafts that she has done. My favorites are the ones that are made with her hand prints. :) I hope when she gets older, she will think this book is as neat as I do.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Rainbow Rice

I love this rice. Its fun, cheap, and great for the sensory tub. Making this is so simple. Buy a bag of plain white rice. The cheaper the better. Pour it into a ziplock bag and add a slash of rubbing alcohol. Then add a few drops of food coloring and shake. Thats it!!! Eiz is a little young to shake it, so Daddy did it. Once it is the color that you like, pour out onto wax paper and let dry. It doesnt take long, but you might want to let it air out over night. I bought a dish pan at Walmart for $2.50. That is what we use for her sensory tub. You will use it for all kinds of things!!
I used the neon food coloring. It turned out really bright.

Here is what it looked like before Eiz got to dig in.

I know. The kid needs a shirt. (She actually realized that she can reach the water dispenser on the fridge and she soaked her shirt.) She really liked finding the gold coins and putting them in a bowl. When she found all 10, she would dump them back in the tub and start over.

Homemade Finger Paint

Friday night I made finger paint. I found this recipe on a blog and it sounded like a fun and cheap activity. Honestly, once it was ready I wasn't that impressed. It was the consistency of pudding and it was very light in color. I added more food coloring to the mix and it just wouldn't change.
Here is the recipe:

2 Tablespoons Cornstarch
2 Tablespoons Cold Water
1 Cup Boiling Water
Food Coloring

Dissolve the cornstarch in the cold water. Add food coloring. When the water is boiling pour into the cornstarch mixture and stir. It will start to thicken very fast. Let cool and its ready to use.
It can be kept in a covered container for a couple of days.

This is what it looks like after its finished

Eiz didn't mind that it was light in color. She loved making a mess!!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Number and Color Matching

While Eiz was napping yesterday, I left her with Grandma and headed to the church. I had some things that needed laminated, so while I waited for the machine to warm up I made a couple of matching games. I took the cut outs and glued them onto construction paper and then laminated them. She is still a little young for these, but in the next couple of months she will be able to match all kinds of things.
Eiz really liked the clothespin color matching.
Right now she can only focus on 2 colors at a time.

This is another color matching. Im using water bottle
lids with color sticker for her matching pieces.

Number Matching.

Another Number Matching Game.

It's all new!

Well, here it is. I have decided to start a blog on the activities and crafts that Eiz has really enjoyed. I love reading other "Mommy Blogs," and have found so many great ideas. Eiz and I have started doing hands on activities and crafts that I have found on websites. We both really enjoy our time together. (Not that we don't spend enough time together already.) Daddy thinks I'm crazy for trying some of the crafts with her, seeing how they make a huge mess some of the time, but thats how she learns. The messier the better!! :)
I'm new to the blogging world, creating masterpieces with my daughter, and being responsible for the early learning of a small child. With this blog I hope to inspire other Moms to get dirty with their daughters (or sons), teach them with hands on learning, and just spend time together.
Have fun learning!!!